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This Christmas 2024, and I want to wish you a Merry Christmas!  God is so amazing, and I am so grateful that He sent Jesus to us for our salvation.

As I sit and look at my Christmas tree I look at the stars and realize for the first time that they represent the Star of Bethlehem.  I have never thought about why we put stars on our trees before.  As I sit here this morning I have been thinking about how faithful the Three Wise Men were to follow the star.  Would we be that faithful?  Would we just get up and leave everything to follow a star, because we knew at the end of the trip we would find a king?  I started writing this post several years ago, but was not sure what God wanted in this post.  I have been waiting for Him to talk to me and lead me in the direction that He wanted.  I have needed to be patient, because I want to follow His lead, because that is what the Magi did, they followed His lead. Sometimes, we have to be really patient, because it has taken two years for this post to be finished. This was the right time for it to be published, His time.

When I was at church, one of my Pastors, Pastor Mills, spoke about the Three Wise Men.  He told us that they had been astrologers, which I had never realized before.  We do not know a lot about them, but we do know that they were not Jewish.  Yet, they saw a star that moved across the sky and they knew that they would find a king at the end of their trip.

1. Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem, 
2. saying, “Where is He who has been born King of the Jews? For we have seen His star in the East and have come to worship Him.”
3. When Herod the king heard this, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him.
4. And he gathered all of the chief priests and scribes of the people together, he inquired of them where Christ was to be born.
5. So they said to him, "In Bethlehem of Judea, for this is is written by the prophet:
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8. And he sent them to Bethlehem and said, "Go and search carefully for the young Child, and when you have found Him, bring back word to me, that I may come and worship Him also."
9. When they heard the king, they departed; and behold, the star which they had seen in the East went before them, till it came and stood over where the young Child was.
10. When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceedingly great joy.
11. And when they had come into the house, they saw the young Child with Mary His mother, and feel down and worshipped Him. And when they had opened their treasures, they presented gifts to Him: gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
12. Then being divinely warned in a dream that they should not return to Herod, they departed for their own country another way.

Matthew 2:1-12

I want to act with that kind of faith in God. The kind of faith that makes me drop everything in my life to follow Him because He sent a Savior for me.

My prayer this Christmas Eve for for all of us, you and me, is that we have that same faith, the kind of faith that makes us drop everything and follow Christ. That we also have the faith of the Magi.

Merry Christmas and God bless all of you!
lanter 专业版安卓破解版



I have been on a few trips since May and wanted to share some of the my top 10 travel essentials for 2024 with all of you.  All of this can easily be purchased from Amazon so if you have a prime account you will even receive your shipping for free.  If you don't have Amazon Prime you can sign up below and you can try it for free for 30 days, and for me it is will worth it just for the free shipping. There is another Link for a discounted Prime membership at the bottom of my list, so I am offering you a couple of choices and you can decide which you like better.  I am an Amazon affiliate and if you buy something that I have recommended I will receive a small commission, but it will not cost you anything extra.

Now, onto my Top 10 Travel Essentials for 2024.  These are products that I use all of the time, and not just for traveling, but these are my absolute favorite travel items.  These are things I take with me everywhere.  Anything to make life a little easier and more like home when I travel.


I started using this backpack this summer and I absolutely love it. It doesn't get too heavy and it holds everything.  I also have another travel purse that I bought from Amazon a few years ago which I also love.  I may do another post or an Amazon shopping page of that purse on it also in the near future.


I love this little popsocket. I use it as a phone stand on flights and it makes holding my phone a little easier. I also love that it reminds me to Trust God.  It makes watching my phone so much easier.


This is my all time favorite soap. I buy 2 to 3 bars at a time in several different scents. I also love the 一款免费的梯子-茶馆-ACG里世界:一款免费的梯子 浅井下 7月前 2154 15分钟自动断,偶尔抽风连不上,日本最为突出此问题,但是美国很少抽风,免登录,开vip的话梯子不会断,网速能上油管看视频。 scent and the Wavertree & London Sicilian Orange bar. I take it with me everywhere. Sometimes when I use it at night and I get into bed and I just love smelling my arms, because it smells so good.  I pack it in a soap bar holder in my makeup bag.


I bought this mineral sunscreen this spring on the recommendation of a YouTuber that I follow. I have been loving it. I changed over to a mineral sunscreens because I have been trying to move away from chemicals on my skin. This works great and does not leave a white undercast.  This is a very large bottle and this sunscreen can also be used on your body, not just your face.  I put it in little tubs to take in my carry on, or if I am traveling for longer I will take the whole bottle.

6. 蓝·灯破解版

I bought these Amazon Fire Tablets last summer on Amazon Prime Day for travel in our RV. We do not have TV's in the bunks and I wanted my granddaughters to be able to watch movies on Netflix and these worked perfectly. My daughter and here husband stayed in the bunks one night also and they used them too.  Since they link into my Amazon Prime Account they can also read books and magazines on them with my Kindle Unlimited Account. These are also great for plane flights, because you can also watch movies on them.


I am loving these water bottles for plane flights, I have two of them since I normally buy two bottles of water for flights.  They are easier to carry on a plane and I am not buying plastic bottles any longer.  Less waste, and after what I watched the news this week, this is probably the way to go, since some airlines and airports are stopping the sale of plastic bottles.  They do come in different sizes.


This Procella Travel Umbrella is the greatest umbrella that I have found.  It is windproof so it will not blow inside out.  We live in Florida, but have been to Denver, Tampa, and Hawaii since May and these umbrellas worked out great.  We had heavy rain and wind and they did not blow inside out and kept us dry.  They were also great in Dublin last year.  Perfect for rainy Dublin days.  They also fit in my purse, so they were easy to take with me.


I love this new weekender bag that I bought this summer.  Again, this was at the recommendation of a vlogger.  It works perfectly.  It slides over the handle of my carrry on bag, and it holds my purse and also my tablet, cords, phone, books, magazines, and ipod, and it still fits under the seat in front of me. It is one of the best things that I have bought for traveling with this summer.  My mom got one also and she feels like it is a little heavy to start with and because I can put so much in it, I would not want to just carry it through the airport, but I always carry a small suitcase on the plane, so it works great for me.


I love these H2X cups.  We all have them in our house and they go everywhere with us.  They keep everything cold and the ice will last forever in these cups.  I recommend them to everyone, so now our friends, kids, and cousins all have them.  I now pack it in a suitcase to take with me, because sometimes I want more then water when I get where I'm going.


Kindle Unlimited is the number one thing that I love when I am traveling.  I am able to put all my magazines and books on it that I want to read each month and it is great.  The reading material that I get from Kindle Unlimited are different from what I can get from the library, so they complement each other.

This is one last thing.  If you don't have Amazon Prime, here is a link to try it out.  I would recommend giving it a try.  It pays for itself every year when I order Christmas gifts and the shipping is included.

I hope that this list helps you out a little.  I always love seeing what people are packing to make their travels easier.

Have a great week and safe travels.


Joy is a Gift

Joy is a gift from God. It is one of the gifts that we receive when we are filled with the Holy Spirit.

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance
Galatians 5:22-23 NKJV

We are also told to count it all joy in James 1.

Consider it nothing but joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you fall into various trials. Be assured that the testing of you faith (through experience) produces endurance (leading to spiritual maturity, and inner peace.)  And let endurance have its perfect result and do a thorough work, so that you may be perfect and completely developed (in your faith), lacking in nothing.

If any of you lacks wisdom (to guide him through a decision or circumstance), he is to ask of (our benevolent) God, who gives to everyone generously and without rebuke or blame, and it will be given to him.  But he must ask (for wisdom) in faith, without doubting (God's willingness to help), for the one who doubts is like a billowing surge of the sea that is blown about and tossed by the wind.  For such a person ought not think or expect that he will receive anything (at all from the Lord, being a double-minded man, unstable and restless in all his ways (in everything he thinks, feels, or decides).

I don't know about you, but sometimes I have a hard time with this one.  I have faith and I know that God had got all of my problems taken care of even before I ask, but when I don't see results right away, or maybe it even takes a year or two, I feel like it may never happen.  I still need to count it all joy, consider it nothing but joy, because this testing of my faith will lead to a spiritual maturity that I now lack.  Isn't that one of the things we are striving for in our walk with God and our faith is spiritual maturity and inner peace.

One of the reasons that I have not written much over that last year and a half is that I fell and crushed my left ankle.  It has been a true struggle.  When I broke it, I sang the song 灯蓝加速器永久免费版 by Sinach over and over quietly as they took me to each surgery, every test, and even in a hyperbaric chamber.  God is so good.  He placed me in the hands of an amazing trauma surgeon who was able to piece me back together,  I lost the feeling from above my ankle down.  I have neuropathy in my foot that is being taken care of pain treatment specialist,  He diagnosed me with something called Sympathetic Nerve Syndrome, which basically means that the nerves and blood vessels in my ankle and foot are confused and sending pain signals to my brain. In the meantime, I know that this struggle will result in a spiritual maturity that I did not have before.  So I am counting it all joy.  I know it sounds strange, but God is using this for something to benefit me in the end.  To bring me closer to Him, and also to benefit His Kingdom.

So as you move through life and you are dealing with difficult things in your life, remember to consider it all joy.  He doesn't promise us a tribulation free life, but He has the strength to help us move through these tough times.

Have a blessed week




Have you heard the Natalie Grant song More Then Anything?  I was in the shower this morning, and the song was playing over and over in my head, but what was I was really focusing on was Help Me Lord.  Some of the words in the song are; "Help me want the Healer, more then the Healing, Help me want the Savior more then the Saving, Help me want the Giver more then the Giving, Help me want you Jesus more then anything."1.  I've posted the video below, so that you can hear it.  It's so beautiful.

I have't been able to get this song out of my head recently.  As I was singing it this morning, what God shared with me was Help Me Lord.  Jesus is all of the things she sings about: the Healer, the Savior, the Giver, and we always ask Him for what we need.  Isn't that what we are supposed to do?  Yes, He could wave his hand and take all of our pain and suffering away, but want would we have learned.  Would we have learned to give Him our troubles, without trying to take them back and solve them ourselves?  Not if He just waved His hand and made it to easy.  What I heard Him say this morning was that we need to make sure we want Him in our lives (all of the way in), not just what He can do for us.  Without Him wholly in our lives, He can't accomplish what we are asking Him to do.  What I mean by this is that, if we haven't invited Him into our hearts, and turn our problems over to Him to take care of He can't do it, because our faith will not be strong enough.  If we don't turn healing over to Him, He can't heal us.  If we don't accept Him as our Savior, He can't save us, and if we don't ask Him to be our Giver, He can give us nothing.

So this morning as I was singing this beautiful song, the phrase "Help me Lord" became part of what I was singing, even thought it isn't part of the song.  "Help me Lord to let You into my life, to release You and Your power into my life, so that You can be all of these things to me."

What will it take for you to let Him into you life, your heart, your soul?  Maybe you already have, but maybe you need that extra bit of conviction and faith to totally surrender to Him.  Whatever it is that you need from Him, I am praying for you to let Him help you.  For through Christ all things are possible.

Today, I am asking you if you need prayer?  If you do please contact me and I will be happy to pray with you.  Remember to make sure that you are not a no-reply comment blogger.  You will need to change that or send me your email address, so that I can reach you.

Have a blessed day.

1. Songwriters: Becca Mizell / Samuel Mizell
More Then Anything Lyrics Copyright BMG Management


Who Do You Say I AM

"Who do you say I AM?"   That is what I heard on October 22, 2018, on the way to Bible Study.  God was pretty insistent that night.  He asked again, "Who do you say I AM?"  This is the conversation that I had with God that night, and I wrote it down, because I knew I was supposed to share it with you.

My answer, "God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit."
"Do you recognize the signs?"
"Did  they recognize the signs, the people of that time?"
"What  were the signs?"  
"Did  the Apostles know?" 
"What  are the signs now?  Because we know He is coming again."
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God's questions were so insistent that night.  Insistent that I remember and share this with all of you.  He is coming and there are signs that are being fulfilled all of the time, and we must know what they are so that we can be ready.  

The next part of the conversation went like this.  "Who do you say I am?"  Me not Him.  

"You know me.
Every hair on my head.
You sent Jesus for my salvation.
lanter 专业版安卓破解版
You say I am loved." I answered.

Our job, yours and mine is to know the signs.  How do we do that?  We must know the Word, we must read the Bible.  It is so important, because we do not want to be asleep at the wheel.  God loves us all and does not want anyone left behind.

Have a blessed day.
lanter 专业版安卓破解版

He said to them, "But who do you say that I am?"
Simon Peter answered and said, "You are the Christ, the Son of the living God."

Matthew 16:15-16
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